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How to take care of patients with Alzheimer's and Dementia: Tips for Caregivers

How to take care of patients with Alzheimer's and Dementia: Tips for Caregivers

Caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease and dementia requires patience and adaptability. Consider these suggestions for daily tasks to lessen frustration, ranging from restricting options to provide a comfortable setting.

If you're caring for someone who has Alzheimer's disease or another dementia, your responsibility in handling daily duties will grow as the condition advances. Consider these practical suggestions to help the person with dementia contribute as much as possible while still allowing you to manage responsibilities efficiently.

Reduce your annoyances

When formerly simple chores become complex, a person with dementia may feel irritated. To reduce frustration and limit challenges:

  • Create a daily regimen. Some duties, such as showering or going to the doctor, are more manageable when the person is alert and refreshed. Allow aside some wiggle room for unexpected events or particularly trying days.

Please take your time. Expect things to take longer than usual and add time to your agenda accordingly. Allow for breaks in between jobs.
Involve the individual. Allow the person with dementia to do as much as they can with as little help as possible. For example, if you lay out clothes in the order they go on, he or she may be able to set the table with the use of visual cues or dress independently.
Give people options. Every day, provide some, but not too many, options. For example, offer two dress options, inquire as to whether he or she likes a hot or cold beverage, or inquire as to whether he or she would prefer to go for a walk or see a movie.
Give clear directions. Dementia patients benefit the most from simple, one-step communication.
Limit your naps. During the day, avoid taking multiple or extended naps. This reduces the chances of getting the days and nights mixed up.
Distract yourself as much as possible. To make it simpler for the person with dementia to focus at mealtime and during talks, turn off the TV and minimize other distractions.

Be adaptable.

Dementia causes a person to grow more reliant over time. Stay flexible and adjust your schedule and expectations as needed to avoid frustration.

Consider getting a few identical outfits if he or she wants to wear the same outfit every day. If showering is a chore, reduce the number of times you take a bath.

Make a secure environment.

Dementia inhibits judgment and problem-solving abilities, making a person more vulnerable to damage. In order to increase safety,

Avoid falling. Avoid tripping hazards such as scatter rugs, extension cords, and other debris. In essential areas, install railings or grab bars.
Make use of locks. Install locks on cabinets containing potentially harmful items such as medicine, alcohol, weapons, poisonous cleaning supplies, and potentially deadly utensils and tools.
Check the temperature of the water. To avoid burns, turn down the hot water heater's thermostat.
Take care to avoid a fire. Matches and lighters should be kept out of reach. If the person with dementia smokes, make sure to keep an eye on them. Ascertain that a fire extinguisher is available and that the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have fresh batteries.
Individualized care is emphasized.
Each person with Alzheimer's disease will have a unique experience with the disease's symptoms and progression. Make these helpful hints specific to your patient's needs.
2022-03-17 16:42 Caregiving